Hey Team –
We just got word that Duval County is shutting down all schools this weekend for all outside group events (including churches) so we are having to alter our plans this weekend.
Here’s our current plan to make sure we are set to go for next week and launch day the week after!
We Will Not Be Meeting At The School On Sunday
- DO NOT go to the Duval charter school at Flagler Center this Sunday. We are not able to enter the building and will not be there.
- San Marco is canceling it’s service as well.
- We are currently planning a Facebook Live worship event and will push out more information on that soon.
Packing/Prep Day Is Still On Tomorrow (Saturday – 8/31/19)
- Because we are no longer going to be at the school this Sunday, our prep day is going to be even more important.
- We are will be meeting at the San Marco offices (3139 Phillips Hwy, Jax 32207) at 8:30.
- We are no longer packing the trailer. Instead, we will be preparing/organizing everything in the office to be ready to pack.
- We will be prepping specific items, organizing everything at the office into bins as needed, and prepping everything to be easy to grab next week.
- This prep day will take a lot of manpower – so if you are available, it would be amazing to have you join us!
This is all we know for now, but I believe that we will be able to take some ground this weekend without losing momentum leading up to launch day!
Be praying for Florida as we brace for Dorian and that God would protect those in its path.
We love you all and hope to see you tomorrow!