Our 2030 Vision

We are a city on a hill shining the light of revival in Bartram Park to all people – whatever their story. 

We are a passionate and empowered community of missionaries that advances God’s work of revival through blessing. With all our efforts wholly dependent on God, we see the kingdom of heaven taking ground week in and week out. We are a diverse community of men and women, young and old, single and married, stepping into and sharing the Good News of New Life in Jesus. We are a house of inspirational hospitality for all stories, where the broken, the suffering, and the outcast can find hope. We are a place of healing and enrichment for individuals, marriages, and families. We are a people of prayer – ceaselessly crying out for God to pour out Revival. We host a community meal in every neighborhood between Bayard and the Boulevard. We celebrate baptisms every month. We Bless over 300 people each day. We welcome over 150 people to our gatherings each weekend. And we have planted a new congregation pursuing Revival in their community.

Every day, in all spaces, we are joyfully pursuing an overflow of revival in Bartram Park by discipling and sending Owners out on mission together. 

The Part You Play

OWN IT is a yearly campaign designed to help our congregation take steps toward our vision together. As we look ahead to the 2030 vision, there are clear next steps we must take as a congregation and some very real needs we need to address as we continue to grow. 

We are asking you to consider what the Lord is asking of to help OWN IT. How will you contribute to this vision?

We desire to raise $30,000 to complete this OWN IT campaign. This is the largest OWN IT goal we’ve set in the history of the Bartram Park congregation. Reaching this goal will require more members of our family to gladly own and embody the vision and mission. It will require faithful prayer, obedience, and sacrifice. It will require all of us to give financially. Part of your role in this story will be to exercise these God-given gifts in a powerful way. We all have a part, and we are eager to watch the Lord prove Himself faithful again.

Priority 1: Space For Children


Priority 2: Local Outreach


Priority 3: Leader Development


How To Give

You can set up an OWN IT 25 gift easily by using the button below and selecting “Bartram Park Own It Offering” in the drop down menu.


Who can I Contact to Find More Info About OWN IT?

Feel free to email pastor Bradley at Bradley@thecity.church to setup a time to discuss any questions.

How Can I stay up to date on the OWN IT 25 progress?

We host quarterly member breakfasts throughout the year where we provide updates.

Does the church need to vote on this?

No. All budgeting decisions and campaign goals are approved by TheCity.church trustee team before being brought to the church.