Hi parents!

I pray that you and your family are safe, healthy, and doing well. It has been wonderful getting to gather with many of you as we are relaunching our Sunday morning gatherings.

As a part of our relaunch plan, we have chosen to begin with what we are calling a “soft launch”. Which simply means that we are starting with limited programming and will take steps over the next few months to ramp up to a full relaunch with a “Hard Launch” where we have all of our ministry programs up and running.

One of the ministry programs our team has been working on relaunching first is our elementary programming for our City Kids in 1st – 5th grade.

I want to say thank you for your patience and help as our team works towards creating a safe, fun, and excellent space for your children.

We have been working hard to open this space up and I wanted to give you a timeline for when that space will once again be available for your family on Sundays.

Our current plan is to relaunch our Elementary space on Sunday Feb. 28th. This will give our team plenty of time to retrain our volunteers, purchase any equipment that needs to be replaced, and prepare the new room for our Elementary-aged students.

Until then, we will continue to welcome our elementary-aged students into the main gathering and will have packets that follow along with the message for that day.

We are excited to be reopening this space for you and your family! If you have any questions about the relaunch of the Elementary Space or the timeline, please don’t hesitate to email me.

Email: Bradley@thecity.church

~Pastor Bradley